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Virtual Reality Project: Car Configuration Game Demo (Video)

A virtual reality car configuration developed by me. The idea behind this application is to show a dynamic in-hand menu interface that appears onto the users left hand. The dominant hand, that is the right hand that the user uses to interact with the menu and his surrounding virtual environment is at all times free. This can easily be customised based on whether the user is left or right handed.

In this example i show you the different interactions the user can have with a car in the scene. He can change the color of the car, rotate the car around it's axis, change the wheel types, change the interior and the level of transparency of the windows. As an added bonus the user can freely navigate in the virtual environment through teleportation. Which is both pre-specified on certain locations but also freely as to where the user is pointing (Achieved through ray-tracing). The teleportation technique was developed due to the application being in either standing or sitting position with no positional tracking. The application uses the VR headset Oculus DK2 and the Leap Motion controller for hand recognition and tracking. This version is very early and still in development. Using latest updates of Unity, Oculus and Leap Motion.

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