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Virtual Reality Project: Space Shooting Game Demo (Video)

This is a VR Shooting Demo developed by me ;)

The basic idea is simple: You stay in one spot (as there is no room tracking), and shoot all the enemy waves that come towards you. If even one enemy comes at a certain range towards you, you lose in a spectacular scene (as shown in the video). However, survive a certain amount of time (no worries, less than 5 minutes) all the enemy waves, and you will win, again in a spectacular scene :).

I haven't had much time to further develop it, it's currently in beta version, there are multiple issues/bugs that need my attention. I plan to release it as a free version once i address these issues, there is plenty more i'd like to implement into it.

This demo was developed in Unity (5.3.4f1) for the Oculus Rift SDK and for the Leap Motion Controller (Latest update was Orion).

What I'd really like to do with this one in the future, would be to implement and optimize it for the HTC Vive as room tracking would make it incredible fun + the HTC controllers would be perfect for this type of game (Optical hand tracking puts a certain limit to it)

Anyway as my first VR Game, I really hope you like it! :)

For a quick look of the demo, click on the video below (actual gameplay) where i play the game :).

Special thanks to Jens Dehlke, for without him, this wouldn't be possible.

Eleftherios Triantafyllidis (c)


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